viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2011



The School Uniform

Pattern 1

I.                    Introduction
Should all students be required to wear a uniform?

II.                  Pro argument 1
A.      Wearing school uniforms would help make students’ lives simpler.
III.                Pro argument 2
B.      School uniforms influence students to act responsibly.
1.       Promotes good discipline.
IV.                Pro argument 3
C.      Uniforms would help make students to feel equal
1.       It causes distractions.
V.                  Counterargument and refutation
D.      School uniforms cannot express the students’ individuality
VI.                Conclusion

Individualism is a fundamental value around the world. Most people believe in the right to express their own opinion without fear of punishment. This value is proposed in an unlikely place: the school. The issue is the school uniforms that students usually wear when they go to that academic place. We know that school uniforms do not improve and change the school environment but at least make students to be orderly and well-presented when they attend their classes, even when there is a special event or meeting. Should school students be required to wear a uniform? School uniforms are the better choice for three reasons; although there is one counterargument that is against with what I argue in this essay.

First, wearing school uniforms would help make students’ lives simpler. They would not have to decide what to wear every morning when they wake up to go to school. Sometimes, students try to find the correct outfit in order to be fashioned. Likewise, uniforms would not only save time but also would eliminate the stress associated with finding an appropriate clothing to be well-presented. Wearing uniforms also save parent’s budget because some students tend to buy more and more clothing in order to be fashioned or just because they do not want to repeat the same clothing, so wearing uniform allows not to waste money in every clothing season.
Similarly, some students would not be embarrassed because of their clothes if their parents were not able to buy them the newest fad.

Second, school uniforms influence students to be responsible individually or in group and they promote good discipline inside the classroom and the school in the same way. Uniforms give students the message that school is a special place for learning. In addition, uniforms create a feeling of unity among students and teachers. For example, when students do something as a group, such as attending meetings in the auditorium, presentations, parades, academic celebrations, and so on, the fact that they wear the same clothing would create a sense of community and union with the school. Regarding the discipline, I consider it as important aspect because students tend to be tidy when wearing uniforms and also they demonstrate cleanliness which is good because it means they tend to follow every single rule into the school and it makes students to be aware of what the institution is asking for. I think that discipline is an important factor that need to be linked with the human being because if we are not disciplined, we cannot be what we want to be in order to do our best.

Finally, school uniforms would help make all the students feel equal. People’s standards of living argue and differ deeply, and some people are wealthy while others are not, so it causes lots of problems among the students. Sometimes people forget that school is a place to go to study, not to promote a fashion show; therefore, uniforms cause distraction among the students because they tend to criticize others in order to see if someone else has money or brand clothing so it causes frustration and students might feel bad because of lack of money. Implementing mandatory school uniforms would make all the students look the same regardless of their financial situation. School uniforms would promote help to raise the self-esteem of students who cannot wear fashioned clothes.

Opponents of mandatory uniforms say that students who wear school uniforms cannot express their individuality, they way they usually are. This point has a pro on what I was discussing before. However, a school is a place to learn, no to show wealth and fashion; furthermore, society must decide if individual expression through clothing is more important than improved educational performance. It is important to remember that school uniforms would be worn just during school hours. On the other hand, students can express their identity in the way they wear outside of the classroom.

To conclude, there are plenty of benefits to implementing mandatory school uniforms for students. I consider that wearing a uniform makes students more responsible and disciplined and for the ones who cannot be outfitted is better because they avoid gossiping and criticism among other students.


Education Bug. (2011). Public school uniform debate. Retrieved on October 3, 2011 from

Eppinger, R. (2011). SCHOOL UNIFORMS: Does What Students Wear Really Make A Difference?. Retrieved on October 3, 2011 from

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